A Real American Hero

United States Army Staff Sergeant Juanita Wilson lost her left hand and part of her arm to an IED in Iraq almost two years ago. Two weeks ago, she showed her devotion and dedication to serve her country by reenlisting in the army.
While recuperating at Walter Reed, one option Wilson would not consider was leaving the Army, despite the long road to recovery that lay ahead of her.
"From Day One, my decision was, 'I'm not getting out,'" Wilson said, adding that she still has things she wants to accomplish in the military. "My support channel has been there for me and I'd like to give that back to the soldiers of the future."
Wilson, originally from Clarksdale, Miss., now lives in Maryland and works at Walter Reed. The 32-year-old volunteers as a peer visitor for other soldiers in situations similar to hers.For more insight on the giving, serving nature of this amazing woman, peruse this article from The Honolulu Advertiser that profiles several different servicewomen who have been injured in the Iraq war.
More than 600,000 patients a year pass through the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and its clinics; it's the Army's largest healthcare facility. Walter Reed boasts more than 1,600 full-time physicians, nurses, and other health care providers. Its Orthotic and Prosthetic Appliance Laboratory constructs artificial limbs, correction braces and other devices.
Now, nearly two years after the IED attack in Iraq and after therapy, numerous operations and a new prosthetic hand, Wilson made good on her decision to stay in the Army. She and 37 others re-enlisted in a ceremony held on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on April 6.
Hat-tip: Brainster
I'm sure the NAACP will be giving her an "Image Award". And the Congressional Black Caucus will be giving her some special recognition too right?
Oh wait, doing that might mean they could be confused with groups that support the military.
She a real American hero.
I just love how Jesse Jackson has already committed to giving the alleged Duke Lacrosse rape VICTIM a full college scholarship, even though there are still PLENTY of questions as to what really happened. And yet when someone like this comes along -- a committed wife, mother and soldier -- the good reverend and the NAACP and others are completely silent.
This young lady is the type of role model I want for my daughters.
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