Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Frequent Blogger Award

I got an email last week from a regular reader congratulating me on our recent induction into the Frequent Flyers Club over at The Right Place. "What?" I said, then I promptly clicked over to take a look for myself.

Sure enough, fellow blogger Mr. Right added a whole horde of regular linkers and correspondents to his "upper echelon" blogroll that he has dubbed his Frequent Flyers Club. And right there, smack dab in the middle of a host of really good blogs (several of which are favorite reads of my own) sits li'l ol' me and The Texas Songbird.

Thanks to Mr. Right for this great honor. I truly believe that one of the best honors a blogger can have is to be linked by a fellow blogger — not just for one article, but actually pointing readers to the "front page" on the merits of the blog as a whole. Thanks also to our longtime reader Daffyd for pointing me to the post in the first place! (Or The Right Place, as the case may be.)

And since I know I haven't said it in a while, thank you to the several blogs that have added me to their own blogrolls or pointed out The Texas Songbird to their readers. It is much appreciated, and I hope I have returned the favor appropriately.

(By the way — if this post seems a little "after the fact," please forgive. This is a rewrite of one of the posts that mysteriously disappeared during the posting problems we were having last week.


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